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Keep IDM Working » Chrome's "This Extension May Soon No Longer Be Supported" Warning

If you're a Chrome user who relies on the Internet Download Manager (IDM) extension, you may have recently encountered a worrying message: "This extension may soon no longer be supported." This alert has left many users concerned about the future of their favorite download manager. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explain what this error means, why it's happening, and explore ways to keep IDM working in Chrome.

What Does This Error Mean?

The error message you're seeing is part of Google's broader initiative to phase out older Chrome extensions. Google is moving away from the Manifest V2 framework for extensions and transitioning to the newer Manifest V3. This change affects many popular extensions, including IDM.

The warning "This extension may soon no longer be supported because it doesn't follow best practices for Chrome extensions" indicates that the IDM extension you're currently using is built on the older Manifest V2 framework. Google has announced plans to disable these older extensions, which is why you're seeing this message.

How to Keep IDM Working in Chrome

Despite the warning, there are steps you can take to continue using IDM with Chrome:

Keep the extension for now:

  1. Click on the three dots next to the IDM extension icon in Chrome.
  2. This extension may soon no longer be supported because it doesn't
  follow best practices for Chrome extensions fix
  3. Select "Keep for now" to continue using the Internet Download Manager Integration Module in Chrome with Manifest V2 until IDM developers release a Manifest V3 version.
  4. How to Keep IDM Working in Chrome IDM Integration Module no longer be supported

Check for updates regularly:

  1. Visit the IDM Integration Module Extension page on the Chrome Web Store frequently.
  2. Look for any new versions or updates that might include Manifest V3 compliance.

The Future of IDM and Chrome

While the transition period may be frustrating, it's important to remember that these changes are intended to make our browsing experience more secure and efficient in the long run. Here's what you can expect:

  • Potential updates from IDM: The developers of IDM are likely aware of this issue and may be working on a Manifest V3 compliant version of their extension.
  • Extended support period: Google has extended the timeline for Manifest V2 support multiple times, giving developers more time to adapt.
  • Alternative solutions: If IDM doesn't update its extension, new third-party solutions compatible with Manifest V3 may emerge.

Staying Informed

To ensure you're always up-to-date with the latest developments:

Follow IDM's official channels (website, social media, forums) for announcements about extension updates.

Join IDMLovers telegram channel for latest updates!

Impact on IDM Users

For IDM users, this change could potentially disrupt your usual download workflow in Chrome. If the IDM developers don't update their extension to comply with Manifest V3, the extension may stop functioning in Chrome at some point in the future.

This change doesn't just affect IDM; many popular extensions, including some ad blockers, are impacted by the move to Manifest V3. As users, we may need to adapt to these changes and be prepared to seek alternatives if our favorite extensions don't make the transition.

Why Is Google Making This Change?

Google's shift to Manifest V3 is driven by several factors:

  • Improved security: The new framework aims to make extensions more secure and protect users from potential threats.
  • Better performance: Manifest V3 is designed to improve browser performance and reduce resource consumption.
  • Enhanced privacy: The updated framework gives users more control over which website extensions can access.
  • Standardization: It brings Chrome extensions more in line with modern web development practices.


While the "This extension may soon no longer be supported" warning for IDM in Chrome is concerning, it's not an immediate death sentence for your favorite download manager. By staying informed, checking for updates, and exploring alternative solutions, you can continue to enjoy the benefits of IDM with your Chrome browser.

Remember, the tech world is always evolving, and adaptability is key. Whether IDM updates their extension or you find a new favorite tool, there will always be efficient ways to manage your downloads in Chrome.